JNC | Jyoti Nivas College | Bangalore | Karnataka

Jan 27, 2017
Management College

Image result for Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore

Founded in : 1947

Approved By : UGC|Bangalore University (BU)|Autonomous

image Image result for ugc net logo  Image result for bangalore university logo

College typePrivate & Women College

Moto : “Let Your Light Shine.”

Address : Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous,Hosur Road,Bangalore – 560095 ,  India

Under Graduate Courses in JNC

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

Part I :
I language-English
Core Courses

Programming in C/data structures using C / Object oriented programming with C/Software engineering / Database management system / Visual programming / UNIX / System Analysis and Design / Design and Analysis of Algorithm/Operating System/data Communication and Networking/Core Java/Advanced Java

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)

Bachelor of Commerce – Tourism & Management (B.Com. TM)

Part I :
I language-English

II language:
Kannada / Hindi / Sanskrit / French / Telugu / Urdu / Add-English / Tamil / Malayalam

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Image result for Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore
Part I :
I language-English
II language:
Kannada/ Hindi

Compulsory subjects

Compulsory subjects to promote academic programs relevant to the socio economic needs of the nation:

Indian Constitution : This paper helps to develop “constitutional consciousness” among the citizens as every individual is a active citizen of India, to know the functioning of the government at centre and state level and to be aware of fundamental rights and duties.

Environmental Studies: Environmental studies contribute to sustainable development. Students are sensitized to the pressing need of the hour of environmental conservation and population control through campus cleaning programmes/waste management programmes.

Skill Development: A course on life skills for Human development is imparted to help students develop their soft skills and life skills. This enables the students to be better citizen with good inter personal skills & favorable self concept.

Computer Fundamentals: The subject offers basic computer skills for non computer science students.

Post Graduate Courses

This is the place one can gain as much as one wants. We help students utilize their two/three years study productively to become the person one wants to be. Our focus is on helping our students become employable as well as learn to cope with life situations and to discover and develop their potential. We want them to enjoy learning and together we hope to journey through the world of knowledge discovering and re-discovering.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Business Aplication (MCA)

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