Vemana Institute of Technology | Bangaluru | Karnataka

Apr 30, 2017
Engineering College

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  • Address |  No. 1, Mahayogi Vemana Road, 3rd Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
  • Established | 1999 | Bengaluru | Karnataka
  • College Type | Private
  • Management | Trust
  • Approved By | AICTE | VTU

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Placement 2016-17 

Total Student Placed | 50

  • Heighest Salary Offered | 5.5 LPA
  • Average Salary Offered | 3.2 LPA


Vemana Institute of Technology is approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (AICTE) and is sanctioned by the government of Karnataka.

Image result for vemana institute of technology

It is affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. Vemana IT is located in the heart of Bangalore city and has a well laid out campus and infrastructure with excellent facilities to pursue research and P.G. courses.

 The Institution is located in Koramangala, Bangalore, the silicon valley of India. Being located in the heart of city, it is well connected by good transport network. It is only 8 km each from city Railway station and cantonment Railway stations and 6 km away from Bangalore Airport.

Courses Offered 

The College offers 4 year undergraduate engineering courses, 2 years post graduate programmes in the following branches, and Research and Development Programs

Under Graduate Programmes | B.E

Duration | 2 Years

Sl. No.BranchIntake
1Computer Science & Engineering120
2Electronics & Communication Engineering120
3Mechanical Engineering120
4Information Science & Engineering120
5Civil Engineering60
6Telecommunication Engineering60
Eligibility | The candidate shall have secured not less than 45% of marks in the aggregate with Physics and Mathematics are compulsory subjects, along with one of the following subjects:- Chemistry, Bio-technology, Computer Science, Biology & Electronics. Provided that, the minimum marks for the purpose of eligibility shall be 40% in optional subjects in case of candidate belongs to SC/ST and OBC. Provided that, the candidate shall have studied and passed English as one of the subject.

Admission to Second Year (Lateral Entry)

The admission shall be opened for the candidates who are holders of a Diploma or equivalent examination, as recognized by University and has secured not less than 50% marks, in the final year examination (Fifth and Sixth Semesters) in respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST & OBC and in respect of others the candidate has secured not less than 45% Marks in the appropriate branch of engineering specified by government from time to time. Such a candidate shall clear prescribed bridge courses as specified by the University.

Post Graduate Programmes | M.Tech

Sl. No.BranchIntake
1Computer Science & Engineering18
2VLSI Design & Embedded Systems18
3Machine Design18

Duration | 2 Years

Eligibility | Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree of Visveswaraya Technology University or any other Examination recognized as equivalent by the Visveswaraya Technology University . This degree must entail a minimum of four years of education obtained a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate.

Placement | Top Recruiter